I am looking for this time of the seasons every year, and I feel very happy living in NYC. Why? It is gingko - seeds harvest time! Gingko seeds, we call ginnan, is very good for every method of cooking: dry roast, deep fly, boil, saute... We really appreciate it's flavor and texture in Japan. Today's receipe, rice cooking with gingko - seeds, is one of my favorite gingko-seeds dish.
serves 4-6
2 coups white rice, wash and soak in the water for 30minutes
1 cup gingko seeds, take off outer shells
2 ounce or 1/2 coup burdock, sasagaki*
2 ounce or 1/2 coup carrot, sasagaki*
4 dried shiitake, julienned
1 abura age( fried bean curd),julienned
2 coups water
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 table spoon shouyu
2 table spoons sake
* sasagakiis the way of cutting burdock,it's like sharpening a pencil with a knife.
1 Combine five ingredients:gingko-seeds, burdock, carrot, shiitake, abura age in a bowl.
2 Combine water, sea salt, shouyu and sake in another bowl.
3 In a 3-4 quarts pot ( or you can use a rice cooker) combine the rice and water- seasoning mixture.
3 Add 5 ingredients mixture on the rice. Covers, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 10 - 15 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed.
4 Allow the cooked rice to rest 5 minutes, covers, off the heat.
5 Before serving, mix rice and 5 ingredients, from top to bottom, with a wooden spoon.
Serves with miso soup with daikon and white yam.
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