Tuesday, June 24, 2008

rice paper rolls

Let's enjoy wrapping, rolling and chewing a lot of pure, fresh vegetables with rice papers. Among today's ingredients, mint, cilantro, mesculin, sprout are grown at my small back yard. I wish I would have more space to grow "serious" vegetables.

rice papers/spring roll wrappers
(from top to clockwise)
arame (seaweed)
mint leaves
soft tofu, drained
abura age(flied bean curd),blanched and drained

spicy shouyu sauce
4tablespoons shouyu
2tablespoons brown rice vinegar
1teaspoon hot sesame oil
1teaspoon agave nectar
1-2tablespoons water
1/4cup unsalted peanut, finely chopped

tahini sauce
4tablespoons tahini
2tablespoons cider vinegar
1.5tablespoons shouyu
1tablespoon maple syrup
6tablespoons or more water
1 scallion, finely minced
1clove garlic, finely minced
1teaspoon grated ginger

Put warm water in a shallow bowl. Submerge 1 wrapper until softened. Transfer a wrapper on to the kitchen cloth to remove the water.
Place any ingredients you like on the wrapper and drizzle either tahini or spicy shouyu sauce on it,wrap, and bite.

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