1cup flour (whole wheat and white flour combination)
1teaspoon+1/4teaspoon Baking Powder
2teaspoon sucanat
Pinch of sea salt
1/3cup soy milk or water
1.5teaspoon seame oil
In a bowl, stir together flour, sugar and salt. Stir soy milk and sesame oil and add to the flour. Using your finger, incorporate the soy milk into the flour until a soft moist dough is formed, if the dough is too dry or stiff add water 1teaspoon at a time. Wrap it in plastic and rest for 10-15 minutes.
Mean while prepare filling. in a bowl stir together all ingredients.
1/4 cabbage, chopped and mixing with 1 teaspoon salt.
1/2bunch of Nira, chopped
4 of shiitake, chopped
hand full of vermicelli soaked in a warm water and cut
in a bowl stir together all ingredients.
Add seasoning: shouyu, sake, ginger, sesame oil.
Take out the dough on the floured board, cut into 6(small size)or 4(large). Shaped equal sized patties. Roll Roll them out 1/8 inch thick round. Place the filling in the center. Lift the edges of the dough over the filling,and twist them together to seal. Place buns in to the steamer and steam with middle high heat for 10-15minutes.